Tuesday, 20 March 2018


Aluminium Torus

March 20th, 2018

Aim: To create an Aluminium Torus using techniques shown to us in class

  1. Smooth even finish
  2. Minimal Burs and an even smooth edge
  3. Consistent Curve going both ways
  4. Even curve throughout the Torus
  5. Stand out from the rest


Firstly, using the shrinking machine I crimped the two sides of the rectangular piece of aluminium to provide a gentle curve throughout the whole piece.By doing this I also was able-to divide the Aluminium into 3 pieces to make it easier to mould.


Then once the edges were crimped, using a log with a depression in it and a steel wth a plastic head mallet i began to carefully mould the aluminium to provide two directional curves into the piece.This process was challenging as you required someone  to hold the piece of aluminium steady whilst i hit it, however it was easier said then done.As a result of it's complicating process I didn't achieve an even consistency on both sides meaning I had to keep on doing it again and again until it was right.

After I had achieved the desired look of the Torus I then utilised a planishing hammer and dolly  to round the edges to provide a wavy cross section through the piece.This process provided greater depth to the aluminium and emphasised the look of the torus.I was also able to provide a hammer-tone finish to the whole piece making it look rustic.

After a long and time consuming effort the final product was produced as seen above.The one and only reversed torus

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